All posts by Ky'lama Telos

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8/10/2013 The doorways are opening on a New Way, a New Life. The sacred ones are gathering around. Building a quantum field of Light around you. This is a new…

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10/10/2013 We are all held in Light. The light is exponential. It is the potential. It holds the doorway to the New Way ahead. The support is gathered around …….

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16/10/2013 We are all one. We are the moment. We are held in time and space as all moves in harmony and unison aligning with our thoughts and feelings our…

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Blessings Lord Sananda steps forth into the sacred space around you. Close your eyes take a moment to centre yourself and allow your attention to drop into the centre of…

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Archangelic Blessings ArchAngel Michael comes forth into the field of light around you now. Close your eyes go within and take a moment to centre yourself. Breathing in through a…

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Archangelic Blessings Archangelic Michael steps forth into the sacred space around you. Close your eyes breathe and centre your energies in your heart. Archangel Michael places golden spheres of light…

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Blessings The doorways of Light open around you. Asking you to close your eyes and gently centre your energies inside your heart. A large column of light is connecting you…

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Archangelic Blessings AA Metatron steps forth into the sacred space around you and opens the field of light to you. Take a moment to centre your energies in your heart…

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Archangelic Blessings Archangel Michael steps forth into the sacred space around you and opens the field of Light. Take a moment to go within. Centre your energies in your heart…

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