Archangelic Blessings
The Arcturian Emissaries of the Light step forth into the Sacred Space that is now forming around you.
They place an illumined hand of Light over the crown chakra. Infusing your crown chakra with light emanations. Breathe and receive this now. Allow yourself to take some moments with this …. as your body gently merges and absorbs this sacred light.
As the infusion of light occurs the energy of your aura lightens and opens. Emerald pockets of light open in and around you.
Once again breathing and taking some moments with this.
As your body absorbs this energy more and more deeply it enables it to discharge and release all that is necessary and appropriate for you to let go now. As your body softens relaxes and releases surrendering gently to all that is.
Arcturian wings of light sweep over and above you and then into your third eye/ brow chakra gently clearing that which is not aligned with your highest truth. Breathing and being with this for several moments.
Arcturian Wings of Light now begin to create sacred energy signatures around and through your body now …… blessing and honouring you and supporting your peaceful path. Allowing yourself to surrender now into this gentleness and bliss.
Sealing your energies now. Breathing and allowing all to complete.
Blessed Be.