By December 13, 2012 Blog

Emissary Blessings

Lord Sananda steps forth from the Light into our sacred space and wraps you in golden blanket of love/light. Taking some moments to breathe and receive this now. Continuing to envelop you in this beautiful love/light.

Infusing your aura and body with love and peace. Breathing this into you now. Allowing yourself to absorb his beautiful love/light.

Continuing to breathe and receive this.

Opening the doorway through your feet into the inner earth and connecting your consciousness into the inner doorway of Mother Gaia.  Breathing as this occurs and allowing your consciousness to be transported into the Earth to align with the heart of Mother Gaia. Helping you to connect to the cradle of Mother Gaia. Breathing gently slowly and easily as you are rocked by the Earth Mother. Enfolded in the cradled arms of Mother Gaia your Earth Mother as she holds you …… nurturing you.

Breathing and Receiving.

Take some moments with this.

Allowing this  connection to Mother Gaia to deepen and open further ….. supporting your heart and love to open more deeply for your  earth journey. Feeling Mother Gaia gently stroking your hair and singing lullabys to you as your Mother would.

Breathing and Receiving.

Laying nurtured in the arms of Mother Gaia. Contented, supported, Loved, nurtured.

Feeling connnected to the inner earth ….. anchored as you begin to breathe through your body into the soles of your feet becoming aware of your physical body now.

Blessed Be.