Archangelic Blessings

Archangel Michael steps forth into the sacred space around you now ….. opening it in light. Close your eyes centre your consciousness on the breath and take a few moments with this ….. then continue.

A beautiful aquamarine veil of light is placed around your auric field now. It gently melts and merges with your energy field now …. softening.

Archangel Michael now takes his sword of truth and threads it gently down through your crown chakra  and all your chakras to just below your base chakra. Axitonally aligning all your chakras. Breathe and receive this for a few moments.

AA Michael’s sword of truth now moves to your feet clearing your foot chakras enabling you to ground into the earth awakening your soul consciousness to the inner earth. Breath as this opens now ….. take a few  moments. As this occurs your crown chakra becomes aware of your connection to the centre of the earth.  Enabling your awareness of this connection and the connection to the deep inner earth realms …. centre of the earth. Receiving a deeper connection to Mother Gaia. Drawing you deeper and deeper into the sacred centre of the earth and to the heart of Mother Gaia. Breathe and allow a few moments for this to occur.

Allowing your base chakra now to receive this deep connection into the centre of the earth ….. and in turn all your chakras switching on to the light of the centre of the earth  …. one at a time. Grounding and balancing you, enabling you to draw on the light/love of the centre of the earth. Holding you in this alignment for as long as you need to replenish your energy and realign you. Slowly breathing this in and allowing time to fully receive this.

Allowing deep peace to wash over you.

Blessed Be.