Archangelic Blessings

Archangel Metatron steps forth and creates a beautiful sacred space around you now. Sweeping his large wings of light around you …  blesssing you. Take a moment to receive this …. breathing and relaxing now.

Beautiful Golden Geometries of Light now begin to activate around and through your auric bodies and field. Breathe and allow a few moments for this to activate.

Now a beautiful crystalline rod of light is gently threaded down through your crown chakra ….. this acts like a tuning fork for all your chakras …. harmonically balancing these in synergy with one another. The tone and vibration radiates out gently through your entire aura and energy field. Be with this and allow a few moments for completion.

As this completes your energies are axitonally aligned through all your higher chakras expanding and opening, balancing and aligning. Once again take a moment to be with this.

Golden spirals of light then begin to descend down from above your head allowing you to now bring your awareness to your heart chakra and breathe gently as peace washes over you. Be with this for a few moments.

Just gently breathing and letting go.

Blessed Be.