Archangelic Blessings

Lord Metatron steps forth to you now in your sacred space and wraps a beautiful red veil around you.

This red veil then transforms to a  black / voidal veil. This energy gently sweeps around you. As it does so it attracts anything to it that is not in divine order for you. Any consciousness in your aura that is not divinely aligned for you. Breathe and Receive this now as it encircles you several times. Staying with this for several moments.

Beautiful Golden Fire stars begin to be placed through your energy field and blending and merging with your energies activating through your energy field.  These golden fire stars help to balance align and open your energies. Clearing, illuminating and repairing your energies. Gently your energy begins to expand and your perceptual qualities are enhancing. Your perception is sharpening, the field of energy that you sit within is gently refining. Breathe and be with this for several moments.

Golden Discs are now  being placed through the back of your auric field …… placing a storehouse of knowledge that will be drawn upon in divine timing for you. Allow a few moments for this to complete.

Gently …. your aura and energy field is softening and relaxing.

Your energy is being connected through your earth star chakra, in through this portal to the centre of the earth. Connecting you to the Heart of Mother Gaia. Allowing your pillar to ground into the Earth and to draw of the Rainbow Heart of Mother Gaia up through your pillar for your sustenance and support.

Breathing and allowing some  moments for this to complete now.

Blessed Be.