Archangelic Blessings

The Pleiadian Emissaries of The Light step forth to you in your sacred space.

They bring a beautiful blue light around you. Sweeping around and through your auric field and energy body.

Breathe and Receive this now.

An Archangelic wing of light wraps around you drawing you into a veil of protection. This beautiful wing of light then continues to encircle your energy field in a sweeping motion, lifting away anything that is not aligned with your divine truth. Breathing and staying with this for some moments.

This circular sweeping is providing layers of purification and balancing with your aura and energy field. Balancing and stabilising your energy. Drawing your energies in and around you …. allowing you to feel a sense of your own sanctity. Breathing again and allowing some moments for this to occur.

Gently the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light place the tips of their wings of Light into many places in your auric field and at each place they infuse you with your soul light …… replenishing your soul, blessing your soul, infusing you with exactly what it is you need at this time in this space. Breathing and allowing several moments for this to take place.

I AM THAT I AM. Breathing and receiving now.

Beginning to seal your energies now. Breathing as this completes.

Blessed Be.