Archangelic Blessings
Archangel Metatron steps forth and surrounds your sacred space with a soft pink blanket of light.
This blanket of Light surrounds you and merges gently with your body and aura. Allowing your body and aura to gently absorb this soft nurturing light within you. Breathing and allowing several moments with this.
Golden Stars of Light begin to gently activate in your chakras opening your chakras and allowing a gentle release of all that is transmuting for you at this time. Allowing your chakras to begin to attune to your higher purpose as a soul. Once again breathing and receiving and allowing some moments for this now.
Sacred Signatures of Light begin to align through the back of your chakras now allowing a new way, a new knowing, a new understanding to be birthed within you. Bringing deeper Mastery to your walk on the Earth plane. Breathe and Receive this now in deep surrender and contemplation. This is continuing to anchor more and more deeply through you. Allowing yourself to take as much time …… many moments with this now. Letting your body and soul receive this fully now. Just breathing and receiving now.
Each breath a new connection.
A beautiful coccoon of Light is woven around you now to complete. Allowing several moments for this to complete.
Blessed Be.
May your Heart open to welcome in 2013 and the blessings of all that is.