Archangelic Blessings
A beautiful emerald ray of Light sweeps over and around you. Activating the sacred space around you. Take a few moments ….. breathe and receive.
Archangels Metatron, Raphael, Uriel, Ariel and Michael step forth into the sacred space.
Michael places his sword within your chakra column between your sacral and throat chakras creating a shield of light for your heart.
A beautiful halo of crystals appears above your head aligning the energy of your crown chakra and clearing a bridge of light above your head for your holy spirit. Breathe and receive this for a few moments.
Archangel Ariel steps forth to you connecting you to nature and the naturalness of all that is. Placing elemental codes into your energy field and allowing you to receive a balancing of your nervous system …… as it balances the elements of your body. Breathe and receive and once again allowing some moments for this to occur.
Archangel Uriel steps forth and places his hand of light into your soul body. Gently he fills your soul with light. Reconnecting and rebalancing the lines of light that link the soul. Breathe and receive this gently now as you are filled with this sanctifying light.
Archangel Michael places his sword of truth in through the back of your throat chakra through to the front of the throat chakra gently clearing the pathways through the throat. Breathe and receive as this clears.
Discs of light are being placed now throughout your auric field …. these are tools of recalibration and re attunement for your soul. They are being placed there and are time encoded for your soul in awakening your consciousness to the greatest potential that you hold at this time.
Your energies are now being sealed through all time and space. Veils of Light gently woven around you ….sealing all.
Blessed Be.