By December 23, 2012 Blog

Archangelic Blessings

Lord Metatron steps forth into the Sacred space from the Light.

He places a beautiful golden Dodecahedron Sacred Geometry around and through your auric field.

Lord Metatron places a crystal at the apex of the dodecahedron and begins to tune it to your vibration that harmonises and aligns you in the highest way. Gently breathe and receive now, taking some moments with this.

As you are breathing and receiving the crystal is connecting directly to your crown chakra and activating and opening all the meridian pathways in your body. Once again breathing and receiving. Taking again some moments with this. As your meridians are balancing the flow of energy through the body.

This in turn is balancing the energies between your physical/etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.Breathing and receiving as this balance moves deeper and deeper. Slowing your body, your energy, your breathing, your consciousness allowing it to ground more deeply within you.

As you breathe and receive just allow yourself to relax and let go more and more. Settling into the silence, the peace and the bliss.

Letting go and letting God.  BEING.

Blessed Be.