21:12:2012 Blessings
The Dimensions of Light amplify and begin to open to our consciousness now. A large expansion of the field of energy around you begins to occur. A vast field of Light and awareness is engaged and connected to your energy. The doorways of Light are beginning to connect to you more and more deeply as enabling you to expand your awareness and openness. Breathing and Receiving as you perceive this vast field of Light around you. This is the expression of infiniteness and limitlessness.
Gently this field of energy is merging around …. assisting you to gently dismantle the concept of limitation. Enabling your consciousness to experience the awareness of expansion. Allow these perceptions to open the energy field around you to greater light transmissions.
The Star races begin to open the field of Light around the Earth and to stand in sacred guardianship of all that is unfolding. Holding their powerful intention through this field of light. Conjoined arm in arm around the entire planetary grid …. raising and lowering their arms in sacred acknowledgement of the shift that is occurring. As each arm raising occurs….. the “uplift” occurs ……. and then a breath, a moment of reflection before the next ….. and this continues for 3 days. This is the momentum shift into the new transition that is now upon us. The Earth Guardians the planetary guardians are in place and active as the new begins to take form.
We are ONE.
Beautiful waves of Light sweep over the planetary grids blessings and uplifting them. Aligning them through the higher planes for the fifth dimension shift. A celebration is underway.
The planetary grids are receiving the waves of transformation through the alignment to the Galactic centre. Breathing and Receiving allowing this (intending this) align you in the highest way for you.
Breathing and Receiving as this aligns you into the Heart of the Earth. Axitonally aligning all chakras between the Galactic Centre and the Heart of the Earth. Allowing many moments for this to occur. Breathing gently and easily. Allow yourself to sit within the stillness of this alignment.
Taking as much time as you need .
Allowing yourself to gently come back to your body being aware of your connection to the centre of the earth ….. your body, the soles of your feet. Awareness of present time and space.
Blessed Be.