By December 11, 2012 Blog

Archangelic Blessings

Archangel Michael steps forth to the sacred space from the dimensions of Light.

Opening his energy field he emanates a gold and blue light of peace into the sacred space.

Gently drawing this light of peace into your body allowing it to permeate through all layers and levels of your auric field. Breathe …..  and allow it to penetrate slowly and gently deeply into the core of your body. Gently filling your body.

Taking your time with this as it fills you deeply ….. this light of peace. Breathing and Receiving. This beautiful Gold and Blue Light …. the emanation from the Presence of Archangel Michael.

Alchemising and activating the soul signatures in your chakras. Re imprinting and aligning and balancing these to the tones of Peace. Breathing as this occurs. Taking time  ……. Allowing your soul to be at Peace and grounded in the body. Settling into this energy this rhythm this time and space.

Breathing gently as peace moves more deeply within and around you. The heart settles deeply in solace and peace. Awaiting the deep expansion ……

Sealing your energies now. Relax, Let go, surrender the time is NOW.

Blessed Be.