Ky’lama E-Courses currently offered:-


  1. Inner Harmony

The Inner Harmony E-Course contains an EBook with information about Inner Harmony and 4 Audio Recordings(MP3) of approx one hour each.

The recordings take you through an energetic healing process on your Spiritual Body (1st recording), Mental Body (2nd Recording), Emotional Body (3rd Recording) and Etheric Body(4th Recording).

You relax and listen to the recording in a meditative state. It is essentially an energy healing.

The objective of the sessions is to bring you into greater harmony, balance, healing and awareness.

The course is sent to you through a link to your email.

You can register and purchase this course through emailing Ky’lama at and paying through PayPal at

This course  is AUD 44.


  1. Feeling Safe

The Feeling Safe E-Course contains an EBook with information about the philosophy behind what it means to feel safe and 2 Audio Recordings(MP3) of approx. one hour each.

The objective of these sessions is to support you to begin to come back to a sense of yourself more deeply and release feelings of vulnerability, fear or that sense of not feeling safe within yourself. In truth this may take more than just these sessions but it is a start in helping you feel better within yourself. Each session is a powerful energy healing.

You relax and listen to the recording in a meditative state.

The objective of the sessions is to begin to bring you back into a safer space within.

The course is sent to you through a link to your email.

You can register and purchase this course through emailing Ky’lama at and paying through PayPal at

This course is AUD 29.


  1. Activating the Heart of Unconditional Love for Humanity

The E-Course Activating the Heart of Unconditional Love for Humanity contains an EBook that explains the purpose of the sessions and there are 3 Audio Recordings(MP3) of approx. one hour each.

The objective of these sessions is to bring you into greater connection with your inner heart space. The Inner Heart Space is a positive space of healing, transformation, wisdom and empowerment. Experiences in our past have closed us off to this deeper connection.

These 3 audio recordings are a powerful energy healing experience.

You relax and listen to the recording in a meditative state. It is essentially an energy healing.

The objective of the sessions is to bring you into greater connection with your Heart wisdom and a deeper sense of inner peace.

The course is sent to you through a link to your email.

You can register and purchase this course through emailing Ky’lama at and paying through PayPal at

This course is  AUD 37.


  1. Aligning Your Earth Bodies to Your Heavenly Bodies

The E-Course Aligning Your Earth Bodies to Your Heavenly Bodies was created as a result of an insight that everything in our physical body is governed by the principal “As above so below”.

The recordings are a healing session that utilises energy as etheric acupuncture, balancing the energy flows through the etheric body to assist and support your health and well being.

There are 2 series of this experience – Series 1 and Series 2. Only Series 1 is available at this point in time. Series 2 will become available later. Series 2 occurred because Series 1 was so successful and popular.

These 3 audio recordings are a powerful energy healing experience.

You relax and listen to the recording in a meditative state. It is essentially an energy healing.

The objective of the sessions is to bring you into greater balance and harmony in your body.

The course is sent to you through a link to your email.

You can register and purchase this course through emailing Ky’lama at and paying through PayPal at

This course is AUD 37.


Group Facilitation

Ky’lama offers a number of different group experiences.

Ky’lama is a channel of divine healing energy.

Ky’lama’s sessions are overlighted by Celestial and Archangelic Healers and the Ascended Masters.

The sessions are to assist you to return to greater harmony and wholeness.

Contact Ky’lama ~

Group Attunement Master Healing Sessions

He offers regular Attunement Master Healing sessions ONLINE fortnightly.

You are able to participate in the comfort of your own home/sacred space.

The purpose of these Attunement sessions is to bring balance and harmony and to support you in what you may choose to be your next step on your evolutionary journey.

The energy will assist in keeping you clear and connected.

The session helps to align you with the inate path of your soul according to your spiritual contract.

Ky’lama has a commitment to support planetary healing and consciousness to evolve with Earth’s contract to birth Heaven on Earth and places the energy through intention into the collective energy of humanity for the greater good of all.

Other Sessions

Ky’lama will from time to time be offering Online sessions such as a recently completed 4 week course on Inner Harmony. These often support and sometimes run concurrently with Attunement Master Healing sessions and are part of the support for you all to receive as you negotiate life’s challenges and issues whether they be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.

Ky’lama is available to travel to facilitate workshops on:

Inner Heart Connection.

Activating the Heart to Unconditional Love for Humanity.

Evolving our Consciousness to meet our Higher Self Nature.

Being in the Right Place at the Right Time.

Pleiadian Lightwork.